Posted by Susanne Earle in News | 0 comments

The term “transformational change” means different things to different people. Many leaders share a common desire to change others in their organization, to alter systems that no longer work well, or to bring about some kind of transformation in their organization. One thing is for certain; transformational change is profound and irreversible. Like the pupa that undergoes a metamorphosis and transforms into a butterfly; once transformed, there is no going back.

Transformational change affects behaviour and relationships. It is distinguished by radical breakthroughs in beliefs, perceptions and attitudes. What was once seen as an obstacle now appears as an opportunity. Change that seemed impossible now happens quickly and easily.

Transformational change focuses on the present. It does not dwell in the past but learns from it. It does not live in the future but plans for it by establishing goals and commitments. The power of transformational change is in being fully who we are, right now in this present moment. It follows then that the first step in transformational change is self-awareness; knowing who we are.

Transformational change focuses on the positive, on the vision, on what we want to create, and on what’s possible. It doesn’t ignore what’s wrong and what’s not working, but rather balances those things with what is working and what is possible. Transformational change focuses on what is and lets go of the need to control what we cannot control. It is change that works in harmony with others and the world rather than against. It requires collaboration, commitment and skill.

Transformational change engages both the heart and the mind. It moves beyond an analysis of facts and critical thinking and incorporates our values, our aspirations and our purpose. In so doing, it creates greater connection, compassion and trust.

Transformational change begins with each one of us. Through self-awareness, connecting to our true potential and applying a coaching approach in relations with others, we all have the innate ability to change our game and bring about positive aliveness in ourselves, others, organizations, communities and society.

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