Posted by Susanne Earle | 0 comments

Mark Detailleur, Quality Assurance Manager

As a result of implementing leadership strategies from Game Change Coaching’s leadership program, I am more conscious while interacting with employees and my level of approachability has improved considerably. Rather than providing employees with all of the answers, I now have the skills to keep an open mind, listen really well, and ask powerful questions that invoke independent thinking in my staff. This new approach has helped me deal with issues more productively, has decreased my stress level, and as a result, I have become a more effective leader.

Mark Detailleur Quality Assurance Manager, Mylen

Game Change Coaching & Consulting

Mark Detailleur Quality Assurance Manager, Mylen

This new approach has helped me deal with issues more productively, has decreased my stress level, and as a result, I have become a more effective leader.

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