Why Caring About People Boosts Bottom Line Results
Posted by Susanne Earle in Leadership | 0 comments
Have you ever worked in an organization where everyone was miserable, where no one wanted to be there and the highlight of everyone’s day was quitting time? Unfortunately, many modern-day workplaces are filled with clock watchers; workers who yearn for the hands on the clock to move faster so that they can high-tail it out of there and forget about their work day over a few beers.
As a student, I can remember many summer jobs working in factories alongside people that had been there for many years. The prevailing sentiment was, “this place sucks” “the boss is an idiot” and “what bar is everyone going to after work?” I can remember at first thinking that these people seemed very ungrateful for their jobs, but it didn’t take long for the culture to affect me. In trying to fit in and belong, I soon became like them; their behaviour was contagious.
According to numerous research studies, a staggering number of North American workers are disgruntled, dissatisfied, disengaged, and feel deeply disregarded by their employer. Gallop reports that roughly 20% of employees are actively disengaged. These employees have bosses that make them miserable and spread discontent. About 50% of workers are not engaged; they’re present but not inspired by their work or their leader.
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What affect does this have on the human spirit? And how does all of this affect the bottom line?
Well, to put it mildly, this environment is not good for people and it’s not good for business. Our attempts to make workplaces fair to all, to treat everyone the same and to prepare for and control every possible scenario has created bureaucratic, policy ridden environments that are bogged down with red tape and are plagued with disconnection, tension and an us-against-them mentality. The traditional autocratic, directive, top-down leadership of the twentieth century just doesn’t cut it anymore and is creating workers who are just plain unhappy, unhealthy and unproductive.
So what’s the fix? Thankfully, there are many organizations that are now responding to this problem. Astute business owners are discovering that even one ineffective leader can have a huge detrimental effect on the success of their company and in response they are transforming their leadership practices. By creating more caring, supportive environments where employees are highly valued and respected for their individual qualities and are encouraged to grow, achieve, and fulfill their potential, companies are gaining a competitive edge over others, financially surpassing more traditionally run companies.
And there is plenty of evidence to support this positive trend. Canada’s Top 100 Employers 2013 competition winners include large and small companies from a range of industries. What is common to all top 100 employers is that they are all leaders in their industry, are great at attracting and retaining top talent and are very successful and profitable.
At Google, their number one mission is to be the best workplace on earth. Google places high value on employees, giving them a significant voice in how the company is run. In nine years, their stock has skyrocketed by 800%.
And what does Gallup say about fixing the employee engagement problem? Gallup’s research has found that the factor most affecting employee engagement is leadership. Companies who provide coaching for their leaders are most successful in engaging employees and increasing the bottom line. Coaching involves working with leaders to build engagement plans, hold them accountable to those plans, track progress and continually focus on emotionally engaging others. Gallup’s Great Workplace Award winners include employee engagement in each leader’s formal review process and as criterion for promotions.
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The bottom line is this; when leaders truly value, respect and authentically care for their employees, the company thrives. This goes beyond proclaiming that “people are our greatest asset.” It is much more than that. There is truly a shift that is happening in organizations today. Organizational survival will soon be dependent upon more caring, collaborative and engaging leadership practices. Just like global competition sparked the quality movement of the 1970’s where delivering ever increasing quality standards was a matter of survival, so too is the push toward more effective leadership. As competitive pressures increase, companies who embrace leadership development and stay ahead of the curve will come out on top.
Susanne Earle
As a leadership and executive coach, Susanne works with organizations to enhance the skills of the leadership team, cultivating environments where talent thrives, staff are engaged and profits soar.
Dealing With Overwhelm
Posted by Susanne Earle in Leadership | 0 comments
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Have you ever felt like there is just so much for you to get done and never enough hours in the day? Have you ever felt like you're working harder and longer and falling further behind? If you answered "yes" you are not alone.
The statistics regarding working hours, sleep, stress, health conditions, and missed vacation time are staggering. Leaders are often under pressure to perform at ever increasing levels and to do more with less.
Unfortunately, prolonged feelings of overwhelm can lead to anxiety, irritability, ulcers, weight gain or loss, sleeplessness, difficulty concentrating, depression and hypertension to name just a few.
Here are a few simple strategies that you can incorporate into your busy schedule that take little time and offer big results.
1. Simply notice what you are experiencing on a physical level. We are often unconscious as to what is going on within ourselves because we are so focused on our external world. Allow yourself to simply acknowledge what you are feeling, especially in those moments when you feel overwhelmed. Notice how your body may be reacting to what is happening around you. Are you tensing up? Is your breathing shallow? Bring your awareness to your body and then make a conscious choice to relax your muscles and breathe deeply.
2. Being aware of your thoughts and any negative self talk is essential to dealing with feelings of overwhelm. Often, when we really pay attention to what we are telling ourselves, we realize that we are our own worst critic. Hear what you tell yourself and then make a choice as to what you really want to hear!
3. Let go of needing to be perfect. Perfectionism often leads to overwhelm and can stop you in your tracks!
4. Pay attention to where your focus is. What we pay attention to expands. Focusing on what is not going right will amplify those negative experiences. Focus on what is going right and on what you do want, and those positive experiences will grow and expand.
5. Pay attention to how you care for yourself. If there are areas that you have neglected, commit to making improvements.
6. Stay connected to your own core values - to what is really important to you and your company, especially when making decisions on what to do next.
7. Engage others in your cause. Good leaders know how to advise, direct and delegate effectively. Great leaders develop their people, engaging them and empowering them to make decisions independently. Simply stated, great leaders get more work done through others with greater ease and with less feelings of overwhelm!
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